- All-in-one video processor driving coherent video wall surface of 1 to 4 screens
- DIVIP804KC with 8 x HDMI inputs, drives 4 x HDMI outputs
- DIVIP804KC drives 4 x mirrored HDBaseT outputs
- HDMI YUV 4:4:4, YUV 4:2:2, input signal format handling at 4K30 resolution
- Driving HDMI output signals, with full HDCP support at 4K30 resolution
- Signal scaling in and scaling out of any input resolution to any selected output resolution
- Seamless switch of two input signals in real time with zero latency and without loss of frames
- Fade-in, fade-out, cross-fade effects when switching of two input signals in real time
- Display of video inputs in real time in any size and any position over the video wall
- Integrated media player to display local or remote, live video contents
- Integrated web processor to display remote Web pages from the Internet
- Internal processor to visualize vnc input PC sources or IP camera from the LAN
- On-screen-display (OSD) over any input signal windows as defined by the project installation
- Fully independent audio matrix switching of embedded or separate analogue audio signals
- Easy-to-use, remote control user interface through platform independent web browser
- Versatile user interface for layout management with sophisticated scenario handling